I am currently in the middle of making a website dedicated to Beatmania and will upload the files to Onedrive over time. Can you please send me a link for V7 and some DrumMania/GuitarFreaks HDD rips (either via torrent or download)? Also, send me a link for all BeatMania IIDX HDD rips (Note: The 14GB version of SIRIUS HDD didn't work, because it crashes after FPGA check)? I only have IIDX HDD's, Lunatic Rave BMS Files and PS2 ISO's. I was looking for these Bemani HDD rips: DrumMania V4 DrumMania V5 DrumMania V6 DrumMania V7 BeatMania IIDX (9th Style until 20: Tricoro, except 17: SIRIUS) GuitarFreaks V4 GuitarFreaks V5 GuitarFreaks V6 GuitarFreaks V7 However, i cannot find some of these HDD rips because some are in Baidu, while the others are in and Gazelle Games. 卑弥呼 ~ 朱雀 Vs 玄武 ~ beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS - Duration. Download Buku Bse Bahasa Indonesia Kurikulum 2013 Revisi. Cisco Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client Install Error. Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress + Premium Best.